When do I send
my child to Kinder?

Research shows that engaging children in high-quality learning experiences benefits all children and their families.

The evidence also shows that two years are better than one when it comes to early learning.

These can improve a child’s learning and development outcomes, emotional wellbeing, their longer-term educational and social outcomes and life experience. It is vital that children receive these benefits when they are emotionally and socially ready for the experience.

Government Funding

The Federal and State Governments provide kindergarten funding to subsidise 15 hours of kindergarten for each child, in the year before school.

We offer free 3 and 4 year old kindergarten programs.
A second year of 4 year old kindergarten is available for children who meet the eligibility criteria and are deemed to have a developmental delay in at least two areas. It is important to note that the majority of children are only eligible for ONE year of funded 4 year old kindergarten.

How old should my child be?

A quality kindergarten program will have more of an impact for children who start at age three rather than four. The benefits are even greater for children who are in vulnerable circumstances.

Who can advise me?

Maternal and Child Health Services and kindergarten staff provide valuable information to parents about when to begin the more formal educational journey. It is important that families take the time to make an informed decision.

Please make an appointment at your local kindergarten to discuss this with your child’s prospective teacher. Alternatively you could talk to your Long Day Care Provider or your local Maternal and Child Health Centre.

3 Year Old Kindergarten

Families with children born between January and April can choose which year to start 3 Year Old Kindergarten. These children can start in the same year they turn three, or in the year they turn four years of age.

Due to staffing requirements, children may not be able to start attending kindergarten until after their third birthday. This may mean that some children may not start attending their kindergarten program until part-way into Term 1.

3 Year Old Kindergarten

Children are eligible to attend 4 year old kindergarten if they are turning 4 before the end of April in any given year.

The conversations about when a child is ready for school need to take place before the child begins their 4 year old kindergarten year. Your decision is important with potentially long reaching implications for your child.