3 and 4 Year Old
Kinder Programs

Our Kinder offers free 3 and 4 year old kindergarten programs for 15 hours a week.

Children are able to attend for just the kinder sessions or to stay with us for longer periods of time in our Before and After Kinder Care program.

Registrations are currently being accepted!

Our program is play based and child centred. We use current ideas and experiences initiated by the children in their play and build on this learning in further play development.

Two separate kindergarten rooms open out to a wonderful natural outside play space, with specially designed equipment to encourage discovery, imagination and activity. There is plenty of space to create, investigate and to play collaboratively, across our multi-level playground.

Whether it’s feeling the breeze rush past on the swings, excavating sand, creating imaginary worlds for dinosaurs, experimenting with water flows, dancing on the raised platform or running on lush grass, children will want to do it all! Our new playground has been planned to maximise fun, play and adventure.

Our program embraces the joy of the everyday, of the small successes, of the big milestones and everything in between. Our kindergarten is a great place for growing and developing the skills for learning for life!

Our Before and After Kinder programs are approved for CCS. Find out more here.

the Y | Learn and Swim

40 Water St, Brown Hill, VIC 3350

Phone: (03) 4320 0850

Email: info@ylearnandswim.org.au

Centre hours: 7am – 6pm;
Monday – Friday

Free 3 and 4 Year Old Kinder Programs

3 & 4 Year Old Programs

We offer high quality free 3 and 4 year old play-based kindergarten programs. Our free programs are for 15 hours a week, with Before and After Kinder Care also offered within our Long Day Care program. 

Inclusive Curriculum

Inclusive Curriculum

Our inclusive curriculum supports social, emotional, cognitive, physical and creative learning. We also celebrate a variety of cultural events throughout the year.

Natural Landscaped Playground

Natural Landscaped Playground

Nature based play offers wonder and exploration as well as cultivating deep connections with the natural world. Our specially designed play elements encourage creative and imaginative adventures.
Community Connection

Community Connection

Excursions and incursions will form a key part of our curriculum. Venturing out into the local area allows children to explore the world around them and feel a part of their community.
Storypark App Access

Storypark App Access

Storypark connects our educators with families, providing the ability to share news, service updates, progress and exciting moments from kinder to home!
Safeguarding Children and Young People Organisation

Safeguarding Children and Young People

We pride ourselves on our commitment to the safeguarding of children and young people, providing safe and fun environments for children to flourish.

Our Team

Y Learn and Swim’s early learning team are enthusiastic, committed and passionate about the education and care of children.

Our recruitment process ensures that all staff are not only suitably qualified but aspire to the Y’s values of Honesty, Respect, Caring and Responsibility.

We have an Educational Leader supported by a team comprised of Bachelor, Diploma and/or Certificate III Qualified staff. We’re also supported by a Regional Director and a Pedagogical leader to ensure that we’re delivering the highest quality program in line with the latest educational developments.

Our recruitment process includes thorough checks and requires potential staff to hold relevant credentials.

2024 & 2025 Kindergarten Session Times

Free 4 year old and 3 year old kindergarten programs are offered on the days and times below. These are mixed-age groups.

Group A

Tuesday and Wednesday
8.30am – 4.00pm

Group B

Tuesday and Thursday
8.30am – 4.00pm

Group C

Wednesday and Thursday
8.30am – 4.00pm

Frequently Asked Questions

During their time at Kindergarten, children discover and develop a wide variety of skills and experiences. The early years are critical in laying the foundation for children’s achievement in schooling and into adulthood.

There is a wide body of evidence showing that children’s education and care affects a child’s health, wellbeing and competence throughout their lives.

To find out more about the benefits for your child in attending a Kindergarten program see here.

Attending kindergarten is an important step for your child. It will help them learn skills that they will build on throughout life as well as strengthening their enthusiasm for learning. Your child’s teacher will talk to you about your child and your family, and together you will develop a plan that suits your child’s individual needs.

Our Educators use the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework to achieve the best outcomes for all the children. This Framework identifies five learning outcomes:

  • Children have a strong sense of identity
  • Children are connected with and contribute to their world
  • Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
  • Children are confident and involved learners
  • Children are effective communicators

Young children learn about the world through play. It provides opportunity for children to use their imagination and practise important skills, whilst extending their social and emotional development, and wellbeing. Teachers and educators help children become curious, creative and confident about learning.

We welcome enquiries. Please get in touch if you’d like to know more about our approach or our program.

Research shows that engaging children in high-quality early learning experiences benefits all children and their families. View this page for more details.

Areas to consider when thinking about sending your child to kindergarten include emotional maturity and social confidence.
Children develop at different rates and learn in different ways. Your child’s kindergarten teacher will plan activities and experiences based on your child’s interest and will help your child develop in all areas. Kindergarten Teachers use a strength-based approach to learning.

Speak to a maternal Child Health Nurse, Kindergarten Teacher or Pre-School Field Officer if you are unsure of your child’s readiness.

​If your child was born duringYear eligible to attend a 4 year old program
​1.5.2018 – 30.4.2019​2023
​1.5.2019 – 30.4.2020​2024
1.5.2020 – 30.4.20212025
1.5.2021 – 30.4.20222026

A second year of funded Four Year Old Kindergarten may be considered when a child shows delays in learning and development outcome areas in the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework, and when:

  • the kindergarten program is deemed to be the most appropriate learning program
  • the child will achieve better outcomes at kindergarten than if they go to school.  

The DE (Department of Education) provides more details here.

Early Years Management organisations manage services for community kindergartens and some early childhood services.

The aim of an Early Years Management (EYM) provider is to build and maintain a strong and sustainable universal kindergarten system for children, families and local communities.

The EYM is the Licensed Provider under the Department of Education. The EYM is responsible for ensuring that each of their managed services is meeting and providing adquate care under each Legislation, Regulation and Law for Early Childhood.

Y Kinders is the EYM of the Y Ballarat, supporting and managing kindergartens across the state of Victoria.

For more information about Y Kinders as an EYM visit our Y Kinders’ Join Us page.

The DE (Department of Education) provides more information about the EYM framework on their website.

At Y Learn and Swim and all Y Kinders we offer free kindergarten programs for 3 and 4 year old children. 

Y Learn and Swim’s Kindergarten’s enrolment registration process is managed centrally by the City of Ballarat’s Central Kindergarten Registrations and is supported by the Y Kinders’ enrolment team. More information can be found here.

We offer Before and After Kinder Care as part of our Long Day Care program. 

The first step is to register with City of Ballarat Central Enrolments for kindergarten.

When contacted by our Enrolments Team about your kindergarten place, let them know that you would also like to enrol in Before and/or After Kinder Care. They will guide you through the process.

The Kindergarten Inclusion Support Service offers supplementary assistance to kindergartens to support the inclusion of a child with additional needs into the program. Applications are made by the Kindergarten Teacher in consultation with parents, early childhood intervention agencies and Preschool Field Officers.

Applications are made in the year prior to the child starting kindergarten and strict criteria exist for an application to be made. Please speak to the Preschool Field Officer for further information on funding availability to children with special needs.

The No Jab, No Play legislation requires that in order to finalise enrolment for your child in long day care, kindergarten, family day care or occasional care you must provide the service with an Immunisation History Statement from the Australian Immunisation Register which that shows your child is:


What is this document used for?

Under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008, we are unable to confirm an enrolment of a child unless the child has certification with age appropriately immunisation or has approved exemption. The Immunisation Record accessed through the Australian Immunisataion Register, will be stored on the child’s enrolment for reference.

Immunisation History Statements can be obtained from:

  • the myGov App – Medicare section of the myGov website
  • Express Plus Medicare mobile App 
  • The Australian Immunisation Register (AIR): Phone 1800 653 809 or email acir@medicareaustralia.gov.au
  • Your local Medicare or Centrelink Office.

Can the Child Health Record be submitted to show immunisation?

Early Childhood services are no longer able to accept Child Health Records as an immunisation record.

Immunisation History Statement requirements

The Medicare logo and Australian Government crest must be present and identifiable to be considered a valid Immunisation History Statement. For example, if the Statement is on the second page of a letter from Medicare, both pages need to be presented to the service to confirm enrolment.

Families who do not hold a Medicare card must call the AIR to request an Immunisation History Statement.

A translation and interpreting service is available by calling 131 450, Monday-Friday, 8.30am-4.45pm.

You may be eligible for the Support Period Exemption. Certain Criteria must be met to qualify.

Who is eligible for the support period (previously known as the “grace period”)?

Children experiencing vulnerability and disadvantage are eligible to enrol in a service under a support period, without having provided proof of up to date immunisation. The support period provisions allow the family to continue to access early childhood education and care services while receiving information and assistance to get their child’s immunisations up to date and to obtain the required immunisation documentation that needs to be provided to the service.

Children eligible to be enrolled under the support/grace period include:

  • children identified as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
  • children who hold a health care card, or whose parents hold a health care card, a pensioner concession card, a Veterans Affairs Gold or White card
  • children who are refugees or asylum seekers
  • children who are known to child protection (that is, children who have been the subject of a report under the Children Youth and Families Act 2005, or who are on a protection order under the Act, or whose families are receiving support from a registered community service, including through a referral to CHILDFIRST or through Services Connect)
  • children who are living in emergency or crisis accommodation, accommodation supported by the Department of Health and Human Services, or is of no fixed address due to family violence or the risks of family violence or due to homelessness
  • children evacuated from their place of residence due to an emergency such as a flood or bushfire
  • children in emergency care within the meaning of section 3(1) of the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005
  • children in the care of an adult who are not the child’s parent due to exceptional circumstances such as illness or incapacity
  • children from a multiple birth of triplets or more
  • any other circumstance specified in guidelines made by the Secretary to the Department of Health and Human Services.

More information about the support/grace period is available here.

Family Resources

We understand that starting kindergarten can be a big step for your child and your family. Especially if this is your child’s introduction to early education. From enrolling, orientation and anticipating the important first day, these all form the path to your child commencing in our kindergarten program. 

You’re likely to have many questions, need more details or want to connect with us to find out more. 

Link through to further information, or we’re also here to help!

Child playing with toy cars in kinder room


Y Learn and Swim’s Kindergarten’s enrolment registration process is managed centrally by the City of Ballarat’s Central Kindergarten Registrations and is supported by the Y Kinders’ enrolment team. For assistance or queries relating to your child’s enrolment, please contact 4320 0850 or email info@ylearnandswim.org.au.

The Y has been delivering Early Learning Programs for over 20 years and is passionate about creating safe, fun, educational environments where children can thrive. At the Y, we believe in the power of inspired young people and we feel there is no better time to begin inspiring than in an Early Learning program!


Visit Y Learn and Swim, meet our friendly team and experience our innovative centre. Give us a call on 4320 0850 to book a time. We’d love to show you round!